The Comptoir de Syrie project

The project to create the Comptoir de Syrie was therefore born from a need to help Syrian craftsmen and thus participate in the reconstruction of the Syria of tomorrow. Discover our team.
Dominique Charby, director of "Le Comptoir de Syrie", went on a mission as a volunteer to Syria in spring 2016 and then to Egypt at Christmas 2017.
During the first mission, he participated in the reconstruction of a school. During the second mission, its action focused on the most disadvantaged populations, in the distribution of food parcels.
These experiences changed his view of these peoples. He was very impressed by the determination of each and every one of them in the reconstruction of their country.
He is very admiring of the faith of Eastern Christians.
The project to create the Comptoir de Syrie was therefore born from a need to help Syrian craftsmen and thus participate in the reconstruction of the Syria of tomorrow. The aim is to market artisanal products manufactured locally, first in France but also in Europe. This country is full of wealth, it is necessary to protect and make it known, for the survival of Syrian craftsmanship!
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